Batch Picking List

The batch picking list screen provides an overview of multiple orders grouped for efficient picking in the warehouse. Users can view details such as batch code, batch type, batch created date, batch created by, quantities, etc., facilitating a streamlined collection process.

  • Navigate to Fulfillment > Batch Picking.

The list provides quick insights into the number of outbounds/products/quantity, batch creation date/time, status, type, assigned employees, results in easy monitoring.

Here's a breakdown of what each column might contain:

  • Created: Indicates the date and time when the batch was created, allows for tracking and prioritizing batches based on their age. This helps to identify delays in the picking process, if batches remain in pending status for extended periods. The created column can be sorted by date and time in both ascending and descending order for easy access to batch information.

  • Created By: The name of the person that created the batch. Tracks who initiated the batch picking process. Useful for accountability and tracking down any issues related to the batch creation (such as incorrect grouping of orders/outbounds or items).

  • Batch Code: It uniquely identifies each batch in the system and can hold various codes based on your organization's needs. This column is used to track and manage specific groups of orders in the Warehouse Management System (WMS), helping users and systems identify which batch is being processed for easy reference and tracking. Learn how to configure picking batch code. The batch code can be sorted to facilitate easier management and quick access to specific batches.

  • Customer: This field displays the name of the customer whose orders are included in the batch, (in the 3PL companies, multiple clients may be handled simultaneously. While in the non 3PL companies, this column is hidden. The customer name column also includes a sorting feature that allows users to view batches organized by customer.

  • Type: This column indicates the picking strategy or inventory rotation method used for the batch. Users can select and pick products using various methods/types: FIFO, LIFO, FEFO and LEFO.

    • FIFO (First-In, First-Out): Oldest stock is picked first.
    • LIFO (Last-In, First-Out): Newest stock is picked first.
    • FEFO (First-Expired, First-Out): Items with the earliest expiration date are picked first (commonly used in perishable goods).
    • LEFO (Last-Expired, First-Out): Items with the latest expiration date are picked first.
        This column can also be sorted by type for improved management.
  • No Of Outbounds: Refers to the total number of outbounds included in the batch.

  • No Of Products: Refers to the total number of products included in the outbounds while creating the batch (i.e. total number of lines).

  • Quantity: The total number of individual units across all outbounds in the batch.
    Provides a summary of the workload and volume of the batch. It helps in planning labor and resource allocation.
    For example: Total Outbounds: 5, Total Products: 25, Quantity: 150 units.

  • Status: Defines the current status of the batch in the picking process. It provides a clear snapshot of each batch in the fulfillment process. Common statuses include: Pending, Picking In Progress, Picked, Packing In Progress and Packed.

    • Pending: Batch has been created but the picking process has not yet started.

    • Picking In Progress: Picking has started. It indicates that the batch is being worked on and items are being retrieved from the different locations of the warehouse/storage.

    • Picked: All items for the batch have been picked from their locations in the warehouse. The picking phase is complete, and the batch is now ready for the next stage: packing.

    • Packing In Progress: The packing process has started and items from the picked batch are being prepared for shipment. This status is important for tracking the time it takes to move from picking to packed, ensuring the workflow runs smoothly.

    • Packed: The batch has been fully packed and is ready for further processing.

  • Assign To: The name of the employee, picker or team responsible for executing the batch picking. It’s easy to trace who was responsible for delays or errors occurring, streamlining efficiency.

Search Functionality

Allows users to search for a specific batch using its unique batch code.

Advanced Search (Multi-Criteria Search):
  • Advanced searches become helpful to find specific batches that meet several criteria at once. It combines multiple filters such as batch code, status and assigned employees/pickers for more targeted and refined searches.

  • To apply advanced filtering, click on the "filter" icon shown below:

  • After clicking on the filter icon, the Right panel will open as shown below in the figure:

  • Employees: Filter batches based on the assigned employee/picker or team responsible for handling the batch.

  • Status: The status field allows users to filter batches based on their status (Pending, Picking In Progress, Picked, Packing In Progress and Packed), making it easier to manage and track.

  • Add: The Add button allows users to save specific filters for future use in the Batch Picking list.

Add new picking batch

  • Overall, picking a batch feature offers flexibility and simplifies the process of creating and managing batches.

  • Learn more about how to add a new picking batch.

Batch Picking Details

Refer to the batch picking details, to review/track batch picking movements accurately. 

sBizzl WMS App (Mobile Accessibility)
  • sBizzl WMS Mobile Application is designed to improve the accuracy and efficiency of warehouse operations by allowing warehouse staff to manage tasks directly from mobile devices. Pickers can log in to view a list of assigned batches and their priorities, as well as track picked and scanned items from various locations. Ultimately, improving customer services and operational performance. Be more familiar with the batch picking using wms app.

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