Rehire sBizzl Employees
Reactivating a former employee's account seems like a more efficient way to get them back up and running on sBizzl. sBizzl has the option to reactivate the former employee account back.
To rehire the former employee :
In sBizzl Web, Click on “ ⚙️ “ icon on upper right corner.
Navigate to Company > Employees.
Look for the Show terminated option at the top of the page. It shows the list of terminated employees.
Click on the employee record you want to rehire. It will navigate to the employee details page.
In the employee contact information section at the left side, you can see the down ▼ icon near the Edit option. By clicking on this icon, you can see the Rehire option.
Clicking on the Rehire option, it will open a Rehire dialog box.
Fill in the rehire detail shown in the above rehire dialog box and click on Save.
It will reactivate an employee account and the login credentials will be sent to their saved email address.
Learn how to re-assign the employee’s works to the other employee.