Man hours cost report

A man hour Cost Report is a detailed analysis of the labor costs incurred during a specific period, typically measured in man-hours. This report provides valuable insights into the expenditure associated with human resources utilized for various projects, tasks, or activities within an organization. It includes information such as the number of man-hours worked, labor rates, wages, benefits, and any additional expenses related to workforce management. By analyzing this report, businesses can evaluate the efficiency of labor utilization, monitor project budgets, identify cost-saving opportunities, and make informed decisions to optimize resource allocation and improve overall productivity.

  • Navigate to Reports > Man Hours Cost.
  • Show in-active customers: Look for the Show In-active option at the top of the page. By default it shows active customers in the list. Turn on the switch, to see the list of all in-active customers.
  • Search: Save time searching for data with sBizzl's powerful search. Search by customer, title, employee or task title to instantly locate the information you require.
  • CSV: You can export a CSV file of all the data at one click.
  • Filters: sBizzl empowers you to tailor your data view to your specific needs with its versatile filtering and grouping options:
    • Filter by type: Easily switch between viewing all data, project data only, or deal data only. This allows you to focus on the information most relevant to your current task.
    • Date range: Refine your data further by specifying a date range. This helps you analyze data for specific periods.
    • Grouping: Organize your data for better analysis by grouping it based on various criteria. You can group by a customer to see individual customer trends or by an employee to analyze team performance.
  • Work on: the date is specifically related to an employee's work on a particular deal/project task.
  • Type: This column indicates which employees are affiliated with a particular deal or project.
  • Title: This column allows you to easily identify the specific deal or project by its title.
  • Task title: This column allows you to easily identify the specific task by its title.
  • Employee: This column displays the name of the employee assigned to the deal/project task.
  • Worked hours: This column showcases worked hours in a clear decimal format (e.g., 01.50 represents 1 hour and 30 minutes). This ensures precise understanding of time allocation for efficient project management.
  • Rate: This column indicates the established hourly rate for each employee, as specified in their "Compensation" tab in employee detail.
  • Amount: This column displays the calculated total pay for each employee. This amount is based on their hourly rate and the number of hours worked.

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