Change product stock locations

Changing product stock locations involves relocating inventory within a warehouse or storage facility. This process aims to optimize storage space, improve workflow efficiency, and enhance accessibility to items. Proper planning, clear communication, and thorough implementation are essential for a seamless transition while minimizing disruptions to operations.

  • Navigate to Products > Product Detail > Stock Tab.
  • Click the Change Location option next to the stock item in the list.
  • This will open Change Stock Location window.
  • The above details show the current location of the product stock, the quantity available at the location, and the unit price in that location.
  • To Change location.
  • Location: This field is mandatory. Users can click the dropdown ▼ to search and select a new transfer location.
  • Quantity: This field is mandatory. You must enter the quantity of stock you want to transfer to the new location.
  • Click on Save after inputting the data to ensure it's saved.

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