Add Product Stock

Add Product Stock is a feature that enables users to increase the inventory levels of specific products within the sBizzl. By inputting details such as quantity, location, price, and optional information like quarantine stock and description, users can accurately reflect the addition of new stock in the inventory management system.

  • Navigate to Product > Product Detail > Stock Tab.
  • Click on the Add Stock button which is located on the top right corner.
  • This will open Add Product Stock window
  • Location: This field is mandatory. Users can click the dropdown ▼ to search and select a location.
  • Quantity: This field is mandatory. Users must enter a quantity.
  • Unit Price: While not required, users can enter any price for the unit.
  • Quarantine: If the stock entered is for quarantine, users must check the checkbox.
  • Comment: This field is mandatory. Users must enter a comment when adding stock.
  • Click on Save after inputting the data to ensure it's saved.

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