Amend product stock

Amending product stock involves updating or modifying inventory information to reflect changes such as quantity adjustments. This process ensures accurate tracking of available stock levels, streamlines inventory management, and helps prevent discrepancies in stock records.

  • Navigate to Products > Product Detail > Stock Tab.
  • Locate the stock item in the list. In the last column, you'll see a down arrow button (▼). Click this button. A menu will appear, revealing the Amend Stock option
  • This will open Amend Stock window.
  • The above details show the location of the product stock and the unit price in that location.
  • To Amend Stock 
  • Quantity: This field is mandatory. Users must enter an amended quantity.
  • Quarantine: If there is any quarantine stock, users must enter the quantity.
  • On Hand: It just displays the on-hand quantity (previously entered).
  • Quarantine: It will display the quarantine quantity (if previously entered).
  • Description: This field is mandatory. Users must enter a description when amending stock.
  • Click on Save after inputting the data to ensure it's saved.

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