Manage your inventory

Inventory management involves supervising your product quantities and ensuring the smooth flow of stock in and out of your system with precision. The Inventory module empowers you to efficiently handle your inventory, including stock control and monitoring Stock On Hand.

This guide dives into the core aspects of Inventory Management within sBizzl. We'll walk you through how to get started managing and setting up Inventory in sBizzl


Before initiating inventory management, it's imperative to address several prerequisites. These include setting up warehouses and their respective locations, configuring the unit of measure (UOM) for accurate tracking, establishing steps for incoming and outgoing shipments, and defining inbound locations for streamlined receipt processes.

Configure Products

A well-organized product setup is the foundation for smooth inventory management. In our platform, we make it easy for you to define your products accurately and categorize them effectively. Let's walk through the steps:


Understanding Inventory Inbound: Where Does Your Stock Come From?

In our system, inventory is fed from the below sources: For detailed instructions, please refer to our dedicated help guides in those sections.


Understanding Where Your Stock Goes: Outbound Inventory Explained

Our system tracks your inventory as it leaves your warehouse. Stock primarily goes out through below channels:

Product stock data

Users can easily access various features to view and modify product stock details, including viewing real-time stock levels, changing stock locations, amending stock quantities, and forecasting future stock levels. Additionally, users can review detailed logs of stock transactions to track inventory movements accurately. 

Autogenerated code configuration

sBizzl automatically assigns unique codes for the following functionalities, This feature enables effortless identification and referencing. What's more, sBizzl allows you to tailor the code format to precisely align with your requirements, enhancing flexibility and efficiency in your workflow.

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