Bill list

This page provides an overview of all bills associated with each vendor. Easily track and manage your vendor bills in one convenient location. Below is a list of bills organized by vendor name for easy reference and management.

  • Navigate to Vendors > Bills
  • This will display the Bill list.

  • Name: This will display the names of the vendors or suppliers associated with each bill.
  • Date: This will display the date when each bill was initially created or added to the system.
  • Bill No: This will display the unique identifier assigned to each bill, serving as a reference point for easy identification and tracking of individual invoices.
  • Balance: This will display the outstanding amount remaining to be paid for each bill, providing a clear overview of the financial obligation associated with each invoice.
  • Total: This will display the total amount due for each bill, providing a comprehensive overview of the overall cost associated with the invoice.
  • Due Date: This will display the deadline by which payment for each bill must be made, ensuring timely payments and helping users manage their financial obligations effectively.
  • Status: This will display whether each bill is open or paid. This status helps users quickly identify which bills have been settled and which ones are still pending payment.
  • Memo: This will display any additional notes or comments related to the bill, providing context or instructions for further action.
  • Action: This column offers flexibility and control over bill management depending on the permissions and roles, users can access certain action options. It consists of multiple options that a user can perform which are listed below:
      • Edit: Allows authorized users to update the details of specific transactions.
      • Clone: The clone seamlessly creates new transactions based on the specific transaction. (For example: Click on the Edit option and then select the “Clone” option, to create a copy of an existing transaction of bill
      • Delete: Allows users to remove or delete a transaction based on permissions. Click on the ▼ beside edit option and then select the “Delete” option to delete a specific transaction record.
      • After selecting the delete option, a dialogue box will pop up asking for confirmation to delete the bill.

  • Here, by clicking on the “Delete” button, the invoice gets removed while clicking on the “Cancel” or “X” closes the delete dialog.

  • Mark as Paid: When the bill status is "Open," users can directly pay the bill by clicking on "Mark as Paid" in the action column. Upon clicking, the "Add Bill Payment" window will open. To learn more about payment click here. After making the payment, the status will change to Paid.

Search Functionality:

  • By incorporating remarkable search functionality within Bill List sBizzl empowers users to quickly find the information they need within your transactions list effortlessly.
  • A search bar at the top of the list allows users to type keywords like Bill No, Vendor Name, and Memo. The list should update dynamically, displaying only records that match the search criteria, often with the ability to sort by various criteria.
CSV Export (Export Transactions):

You can export a CSV file of all the transactions at one click.

The CSV export will contain the following transaction details:

  • Vendor Name
  • Date
  • Bill No
  • Balance
  • Total
  • Due date
  • Status
  • Memo

Customize CSV Export:

sBizzl allows you to choose which columns to include in the CSV export. By column management, you can select specific transaction information like Date, Bill No, Balance, Total, Due date, etc…

To export the transactions:

Click on the “CSV” icon in the top right corner just after the search bar.

  • By clicking on the CSV icon, your export will begin to process. Once the download is complete, the file is saved to the location you specified (e.g., your Downloads folder by default) with the specific file name as per the applied filter.
  • For example: If all status is selected in filters, then the CSV file name would be Bills_All


  • Sorting functionality within a transaction list provides a powerful tool for organizing, analyzing, and accessing customer transaction data.
  • Bills Lists typically allow you to sort data by various criteria, often through clickable headers. Sorting options might include: Name, Date, Balance, Total, Due date, Status, Memo Users can apply multiple sorting criteria by selecting multiple columns.
Advanced Filters:
  • Filters are very powerful flexible tools used to filter data based on criteria.
  • To apply advanced filtering, click on the Filter icon shown below:
  • After clicking on the Filter icon, the Right panel will open as shown below in the figure:

Status: This will enable the users to filter transactions based on their specific status, facilitating easier management and tracking of transactions. Transaction statuses may include:

  • All: Displays all transactions, regardless of their status.
  • Unpaid: Filters transactions that have not been paid yet.
  • Overdue: Filters transactions that are past their due date.
     you can filter by overdue status with the following options:

1. All

2.>30 days overdue

3.>7 days

4.< 7 days overdue

  • Not due: Filters transactions that are not yet due for payment.

     users can choose from the following options:

1. All

2. due today

3. due tomorrow

4. due this week

5. due this month

Paid: Filters transactions that have been successfully paid.

  • Bill Date: If you want to see specific transactions, then select date ranges (Start Date and End Date) from the calendar 📅.
  • Grouping: Grouping records is a valuable feature as it provides a user-friendly interface. You can group or categorize bills based on Name and status. It includes intuitive controls for users to expand or collapse grouped sections and toggle between different grouping criteria.

Learn more about how to use advanced filters, sorting, grouping, and column management.

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