Vendor details

Vendor details encompass a range of information vital for businesses to manage relationships with their suppliers effectively. This includes contact information such as names, addresses, phone numbers, and email addresses. Additionally, payment terms and conditions, including accepted payment methods, credit terms, and discounts. Leveraging technology solutions like vendor management software streamlines processes, offering centralized databases and automated workflows for efficient vendor relationship management.

To access a specific vendor's information, click on that record, you will navigate to the vendor's Detail screen.

(For example: To access Capital Flooring & Tiles information, click on the record.)

Once you've navigated, you'll find the Vendor Detail screen below.

There are two panels on the vendor detail screen:

  • Left Panel: Consists of vendor’s general information, its related contact person details as well as action buttons to edit or delete the information.

  • Right Panel: The vendor's dashboard provides an overview of various key details, including account balances, upcoming bills, total spending, uploaded documents, and transaction histories.

Left Panel:

To navigate back to the vendors list, click on the < Vendors button as shown above in the figure. Be more familiar with the vendor's list

In the vendor details information section on the left side, only authorized users can see the “🖊️” (edit) icon to edit or “˅” (drop-down arrow) to delete or inactive specific vendor details. Ensuring limited access to confidential vendor data according to the assigned user roles and permissions within the system

Edit vendor details:

  • Navigate to Vendors > Vendors.
  • Select the vendor for whom you wish to modify details.
  • Click on the “🖊️” (edit) icon in the upper left corner.
  • Update vendor information and then press the "Save" button.

Delete or Inactive vendor details:

  • Navigate to Vendors > Vendors.
  • Click on the vendor you want to delete.
  • Click on the ˅ drop-down arrow to delete or inactive vendor in the upper left corner.
  • A popup will appear with the message “Are you sure you want to delete this vendor?”. Here, by clicking on the “Delete” button, the vendor gets deleted and then navigates to the customers list by clicking on the “Cancel” or “X” closes the delete dialog box.

Note: Deleting or Deactivating the vendor is not possible if they have outstanding dues recorded in the system.

  • If you attempt to delete an inactive vendor with unpaid dues, this popup message will display on the screen.
  • The popup message for vendors with outstanding dues will appear as depicted in the image.

The popup message for vendors with outstanding dues will be displayed as shown in the image when attempting to deactivate them.

General Information:

  • Profile picture(Optional): It can be a vendor’s pro pic or company logo
  • Vendor’s Full name: It includes the first, middle, and last name of the vendor
  • Vendor’s type: When adding a vendor, the user has the option to classify the vendor type as either a contractor or a supplier.
  • Additional information includes the date, phone number, email address, payment terms, website address, billing/shipping address, or related contact information.

Since Date:

  • When a new vendor is added to the system, the "since date" will initially appear as "N/A." Users have the option to modify this date by clicking on the edit icon, allowing them to select a specific date. Alternatively, the "since date" will automatically be set as the date of the first transaction with the vendor, and users can adjust it as needed at any time.

Phone number along with types:

  • Managing phone numbers with different departments within vendor details is quite a different concept. Departments include various types: Main, account, sales, and others.

Configure email addresses to send a Purchase order

  • Writing email addresses is a tedious process as well as prone to errors. No need to write email addresses while sending Purchase orders to the vendors. sBizzl offers a hassle-free and advanced technique to configure multiple email addresses to which Purchase orders can be sent.


  • This is the website link of the company. As you can see in the figure below, if you click on the link, you will be redirected to the website.

Contact Person

  • You can also add various contact person details of a specific vendor.

To add contact person details

  • Click on the Add button, it will open the Add contact person detail dialog.
  • Fill in the necessary details, and Save.
  • Click on the “🖊️” (edit) icon to update the contact person details.
  • Click on the “ 🗑 ” (delete) icon to delete the contact person details.
  • To view contacts in detail, Click on the “˄” (down) button. From here also, you can configure email addresses to send invoices and estimates.

Right Panel:

It includes a Dashboard, Documents, and Transactions.


With sBizzl's Vendor Details Dashboard, businesses can effectively manage vendor relationships, optimize financial processes, and drive sustainable growth. sBizzl's Vendor Details Dashboard is your go-to platform for comprehensive vendor management and financial oversight. Within this intuitive interface, users can easily access key metrics such as balance, upcoming bills, and total spending, empowering informed decision-making and strategic planning.


  • Open balance: Keeping track of vendor open balances ensures transparency and accuracy in financial records, providing a clear overview of outstanding payments owed to suppliers. Calculating the open balance for a vendor typically involves summing up all outstanding Purchase orders or bills owed to the vendor that have not yet been paid.
  • Overdue balance: The vendor overdue balance refers to the total amount of money owed to a vendor for goods or services that have not been paid by the agreed-upon due date. It includes any outstanding invoices or bills that have passed their payment deadline. Calculating the vendor's overdue balance involves summing up all overdue purchase orders or bills. This balance indicates the amount that the company owes to the vendor but has not yet paid

Upcoming Bills: Vendor upcoming bills refer to the invoices or bills that a company is expecting to receive from its vendors soon. These bills represent pending payments that the company will need to settle

Total Spending:

In sBizzl, the vendor total spending in Year-over-Year (YOY) and Month-over-Month (MOM) comparisons provides insights into changes in spending patterns with specific vendors over different time frames. This feature allows users to track and analyze variations in spending over longer periods (YoY) and shorter intervals (MOM)

YOY Spending:

The Year-over-Year (YOY) total spending in vendor details refers to the comparison of the total amount spent with a specific vendor in the current year to the total spending with the same vendor during the corresponding period in the previous year.

MOM Spending:

  • The Month-over-Month (MOM) spending in vendor details refer to the comparison of the total amount spent with a specific vendor in the current month to the total spending with the same vendor in the previous month.
  • Click on the “ ▼ ” icon to select the month (January to December) and you can see MOM metrics accordingly.

You can see the “No MOM Revenue” message as shown below if you don’t have any data in that specific month.

Hover your mouse over any of the bars in the chart or dots in the bars to see tooltips, fostering total spending or payment received.


In sBizzl, the vendor documents feature within vendor details allows users to store and access essential documents related to specific vendors. These documents may include contracts, agreements, invoices, receipts, correspondence, or any other relevant files associated with the vendor relationship. By centralizing vendor documents within the sBizzl platform, users can ensure easy retrieval and secure storage of critical information

Add documents:

  • Click on the Upload button and select the documents that you want to upload.

Once you upload the documents, you can see the document/file name, date and time of the uploaded document, person name who had uploaded the document along with the Action column to perform various operations.

View documents:

  • Click on the “👁” (view) icon to see images, whether it is images or PDFs.


  • Click on the “ ⤓ ” (download) icon to download the files.

Edit documents:

  • Click on the “🖊️” (edit) icon to upload another document.

Delete documents:

  • Click on the “ 🗑 ” (delete) icon to remove/delete the documents.


Vendor transactions refer to financial interactions between a company and its vendors. These transactions encompass various activities such as purchases, payments, refunds, credits, and any other financial exchanges involving vendors. Recording and tracking vendor transactions are essential for maintaining accurate financial records, managing cash flow, and monitoring vendor relationships. By documenting these transactions, businesses can ensure transparency, compliance, and accountability in their dealings with vendors. 

Users can add purchase orders, bills, payments, expenses, vendor credits, and refunds, and send statements by selecting the options.

The categorization of transactions into various types within the transaction list offers users a structured summary of vendor operations. Additionally, it simplifies navigation and interaction with interconnected transactions.

Here’s a breakdown of what each column might contain:

  • Date: This column indicates the date of the transaction.
  • Type: Transaction types refer to different categories of transactions. Various types of transactions can be:
  • Purchase Order: A vendor purchase order is a document issued by a buyer to a vendor, detailing the products or services to be purchased, quantities, prices, terms, and other relevant information.
  • Expense: A vendor expense refers to any costs incurred by a business related to purchases made from a specific vendor. These expenses may include the cost of goods sold, shipping fees, taxes, or any other charges associated with procuring goods or services from the vendor. Tracking vendor expenses is essential for accurate financial reporting and budget management.
  • Vendor credit: Vendor credit refers to a credit note or amount issued by a vendor to a buyer, typically as a reimbursement or adjustment for returned goods, overpayments, or other billing discrepancies. This credit can be applied by the buyer towards future purchases from the vendor, effectively reducing the amount owed. Properly managing vendor credits is important for maintaining accurate financial records and fostering positive relationships with vendors.
  • Bill: A vendor bill is a document sent by a vendor to a buyer, requesting payment for goods or services provided. It typically includes details such as the bill no, bill date, due date, description of items or services purchased, quantities, prices, and total amount due. Processing vendor bills accurately and timely is crucial for maintaining good vendor relationships and ensuring smooth business operations.
  • Payment: A vendor payment is the transfer of funds from a buyer to a vendor in exchange for goods or services rendered. This transaction involves settling the outstanding balance owed to the vendor. Efficient processing of vendor payments is crucial for maintaining healthy vendor relationships and ensuring the smooth operation of business activities.
  • Refund: A vendor refund is a reimbursement of funds from a vendor to a buyer, typically issued in response to returned goods, overpayments, or billing errors. This transaction involves the vendor returning money to the buyer's account or issuing a credit note. Managing vendor refunds accurately and promptly is important for maintaining financial transparency and resolving any discrepancies in vendor transactions.
  • Status: It refers to the current status of the transaction. The status depends on the type of transaction as described below.

               -Purchase Order: Draft, Purchase order

               -Expense: Paid, open

               -Vendor credit: Unapplied, closed

               -Bill: paid, open

               -Payment: Applied, unapplied

               -Refund: paid, open

  • Due date: The due date for a vendor typically refers to the deadline by which payment for goods or services purchased from the vendor is expected to be made.
  • Balance: The balance column in a transaction list typically displays the running balance of an account after each transaction. It helps users track their account's current balance by showing the cumulative effect of all preceding transactions up to that point.
  • Total: The total amount of the transaction. It is typically calculated by summing up the prices of all items or services included in the transaction including taxes, discounts, and any other applicable charges or fees.
  • Memo: This field is an optional message field available for users to include any additional information or notes.

  • Sent: The sent column with a tick mark (tick icon) serves as a visual indicator that the purchase order has been successfully delivered/sent to the customer. It’s a quick and easy way to identify the status of each purchase order and improves workflow efficiency. You can change the transaction’s (Purchase order) status, by sending emails or by clicking on the Mark As Sent/Unsent options
  • Actions: The actions column signifies a powerful tool associated with a specific estimate record. From this column, you can perform multiple actions, which significantly enhance the user experience and efficiency of the sales process. Depending on the permissions and roles, users can access certain action options.

     It consists of multiple options that a user can perform which are listed           below:

  • Print: Click on the “Print” option, to print specific transactions for Purchase order
  • Edit: Allows authorized users to update the details of specific transactions.

  • Clone: The clone seamlessly creates new transactions based on the specific transaction. (For example: Click on the “Clone” button, to create a copy of an existing transaction either a Purchase order or bill
  • Delete: Allows users to remove or delete a transaction based on permissions. Click on the “Delete” button to delete a specific transaction record.
  • Email: To send email via built-in functionality, click on the “Email” option. As it will open the send email dialog and eliminate the need to attach the files or documents manually. Moreover, it helps to change the status of the transaction.
  • Mark As Sent: This feature allows you to manually add a tick mark to the sent column. Additionally, updated the transaction’s status without switching between various applications.
  • Mark As Unsent: This option enables you to remove the tick/sent indicator from any transaction that needs to be revised before sending it to the customer.
  • Create Bill: This option allows you to seamlessly convert into a formal bill directly from the Purchase order The bill would typically be populated with the details from the purchase order such as vendor details, list of products or services, pricing and quantities, payment terms, taxes, or discounts.
  • details, list of products or services, pricing and quantities, payment terms, taxes, or discounts.

Advanced search, CSV Export, Filters:

Search Functionality:

By incorporating remarkable search functionality within vendor transactions, sBizzl empowers users to quickly find the information they need within your transactions list effortlessly.

  • A search bar at the top of the list allows users to type keywords like No 
  • The list should update dynamically, displaying only records that match the search criteria, often with the ability to sort by various criteria.

CSV Export (Export Transactions)

You can export a CSV file of all the transactions at one click.

The CSV export will contain the following transaction details:

  • Date
  • Type
  • Due date
  • Balance
  • Total
  • Status
  • Memo
  • Sent (Yes/No)

Customize CSV Export

sBizzl allows you to choose which columns to include in the CSV export. By column management, you can select specific transaction information like Type, No, Balance, Total, Due date, Status, etc…

To export the transactions:

  • Click on the “CSV” icon in the top right corner just after the search bar.
  • By clicking on the CSV icon, your export will begin to process. Once the download is complete, the file is saved to the location you specified (e.g., your Downloads folder by default) with the specific file name as per the applied filter.
  • For example: If all status is selected in filters, then the CSV file name would be



  • Sorting functionality within a transaction list provides a powerful tool for organizing, analyzing, and accessing customer transaction data.

  • Transaction lists typically allow you to sort data by various criteria, often through clickable headers. Sorting options might include: Date, Type, Due date, Balance, Total, Status, Memo, Sent (Yes/No)

Advanced Filters:

  • Filters are very powerful flexible tools used to filter data based on criteria.

      To apply advanced filtering, click on the Filter icon shown below:

After clicking on the Filter icon, the Right panel will open as shown below in the figure:

Type: Filter by transaction types allows users to filter transactions based on their specific types, making it easier to manage and track transactions. Transaction types can be All, Bill, Payment, Purchase order, Expense, Vendor Credit, Refund

  • Transaction Date: If you want to see specific transactions, then select date ranges (Start Date and End Date) from the calendar 📅.
  • Grouping: Grouping records is a valuable feature as it provides a user-friendly interface. You can group or categorize transactions based on Type. It includes intuitive controls for users to expand or collapse grouped sections and toggle between different grouping criteria.

     Learn more about how to use advanced filters, sorting, grouping, and       column management.

Add new transactions

Users can quickly add multiple new transactions based on the types associated with specific customers.

  • Click on the “Add” button, to add a new transaction.
  • You can add Purchase orders, bill, Payments, Expense, Vendor Credit, Refund, and Statement.
  • Additionally, you can generate a Transaction Statement for the same.

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