Send email

  • The From field is where users specify the sender's email address when sending.
  • If a user configures a Gmail account, emails will be sent using that account; otherwise, emails will be sent from [email protected]. Learn how to configure gmail account.
  • The To field is for the recipient's email, while cc and bcc allow for additional recipients to be included in the email.
  • The Subject field is where you enter a brief description or title for the email message you're sending.
  • The Description field allows you to provide additional details or context about the content of your email.
  • The Attachment field includes a CSV file with the email.
  • Clicking the Send button will dispatch the email with the attached file to the specified recipients.
  • The PDF captures essential details for accurate and efficient order processing.
  • Users can effortlessly download the PDF file, equipped with zoom-in and zoom-out functionalities for better readability and examination of details.

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