Deal/Project Default status Configuration:

sBizzl offers users default configurations for deals and projects, simplifying task management and access control. This feature includes two options: the default task tab for deals/projects and default deal/project access.

  • Select the settings "⚙️" icon located in the upper right-hand corner.
  • To Navigate for Deal Default Click on CRM > Deal > Defaults


  • To Navigate for Project Default Click on Projects > Project > Defaults

      Upon selecting the default option, this screen will open.

      For Deal:

Upon selecting the default option, this screen will open.

For Project:

Default Task Tab: The default status of deal/project tasks in the default task tab is unscheduled, but users have the option to set it to other statuses such as scheduled, overdue, or completed if desired.

Default Deal/Project access: In the default deal/project access section, selecting the "Full Access" option grants employees with access to the Deal/Project module visibility into all projects and deals and the ability to operate on them as per their assigned roles, while the owner maintains full access at all times.

Whenever a user modifies the default settings for a deal/project, a notification confirms the successful update By showing the message on the top of the screen that "Default setting set successfully ".

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